- Immerse yourself in the gritty world of CSI and use real-life crime solving techniques such as evidence analysis and interrogation to confirm suspects alibis or to prove their guilt.
- New Characters of 2009 Season: Updated cast of the new season, including Laurence Fishburne. New lab gameplay: New season 9 lab, new tools, and new technology for processing and analyzing evidence
- Primetime Presentation: Cut-scenes, game structure, storyline, and art direction are revamped to replicate that of the TV show Celebrity VO: Voiceovers from all the current actors and actresses in the show
- New Hint System: In-game counterparts are more interactive to keep users immersed in the story and help to avoid getting stuck Real Time Lighting: New dynamic lighting technology adds dimension of suspense and realism as you’d see in the TV show
- Transparency and Reflection: New technology makes transparent and reflective environments appear more realistic Lip Synch: New lip synching technology maps the character’s mouths to the VO to create a more realistic experience